For those of you who don't know, my name is Nam to my grandchildren. Named by Tyler when he was teeny, and it has stuck.
I've had some wicker baskets in the upstairs hallway for the grandchildren; they have learned to run up there and see what's in their basket whenever they come for a visit. Usually it's just a relatively small thing--a treat, maybe a book or some stickers. Right now this is what awaits them. They don't look at blogs just yet, so I'm safe revealing this secret.

Did you notice the cute tags? I've been trying to make those forever, wanted to hang them on their baskets, and have planned to use my Cricut for that. There is a tag option on the Plantin SchoolBook cartridge, that I've seen demonstrated and wanted to use. But I have had so much trouble figuring out how to use the "end caps" feature which would allow me to make the tags I wanted. As I said, I've seen it demonstrated, and I've read the instructions, and tried it several times. Never could make it happen. Somehow I just couldn't seem to get all of the steps right. Then today, for some reason, I finally figured it out. Yay for me!
So now we're all set--just waiting patiently for the next visit.