Okay, so Michael came over today and showed me how to do some stuff with my pictures. I feel foolish that I've had this computer, with this capability (and much more) for two years now, and have never even tried to do this. Of course, I guess I really haven't had the time until the last couple of months, have I? I've spent, now, probably 5 hours today on this. The latest thing I did was upload it to YouTube so that I could share it with a few people. But, I think the music did not load with it. Don't know why. Still gonna be working on that, I guess. Thanks Michael!!!
I found out that YouTube won't let me upload it with the music attached, because of those pesky copyright issues. (I guess I should just compose my own music? I don't think so.) Soooo, I'm attempting to upload the video directly here. We'll see how that works.
Here's the video, WITH the music (I hope). Please remember, this is just a first attempt, trying out different things, etc., with no real overriding theme or plan. The next one will be LOTS better, at least that's my hope at this point.
Hoping this works. All I have to say is now I've found yet another way to spend (waste?) my time. Not that I needed one. Oh wait, how can it be wasted time if I'm enjoying it so much! Isn't that what this whole retirement thing is about? Oh don't I just love the R-word!!!
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! I love it with the music. Good job Nam!